Utilizing a Scheduling Window
The scheduling window is meant to help get students schedule with in-person or Live-virtual proctors. It will help combat the procrastination of scheduling that leads to attempts to schedule and test at the 12th hour of the testing window.
⦁ Adding a scheduling window allows the instructor to create the exam before all of the settings for the exam are 100% locked in. Once the scheduling window opens up, no changes to the exam should be made.
⦁ Automated & Record & Review only exams, DO NOT need scheduling windows. They are on-demand modalities.
⦁ Login to your LMS and navigate to the course the exam is in. Once inside, access SmarterProctoring.
⦁ When creating or editing the exam, scroll down to the date settings section of the exam details.
⦁ Enable the Scheduling Window and input the dates you wish the students to schedule within.
⦁ the scheduling window should precede the testing window.
⦁ The schedule window CAN overlap the testing window.
⦁ Once complete, move on with the exam creation or click continue to save the exam updates.