1. Login to the SmarterProctoring Dashboard
2. Once you have logged in, choose the course that you need to schedule an exam for.
3. When you see your exams, pick the one you need to schedule and select Choose a Proctor.
4. The Proctor Groups page will appear, select the group that best applies to you and your course.
NOTE: On the Locate Proctor page, the results will be sorted by distance (closest in proximity proctors are first). You may also re-sort by the price of the proctors.
5. Once a Proctor is chosen, select Request Session.
- If a Proctor requires an "approval"- you will have to wait until the approval has been granted in order to choose that proctor.
6. You MUST message the proctor and select three (3) session times from which the proctor can choose. (See below for important message)
*** Please be aware that the proctor has a response time of 48 hrs. Outside of any exceptional circumstances, the proctor may take longer to reply to your request. SmarterProctoring suggests that you choose a few different proctors to proctor your session, ensuring your session is booked as quickly as possible. ***
7. Once a session time/date is approved by the proctor, you will receive a message in your inbox from the proctor of the accepted date/time. You must respond to a proctor’s confirmed session within 24 hours by choosing “Select Session” or “Cancel Request”.
8. IMPORTANT! Review all of the details, if correct, confirm the session and select Continue.
9. If the payment information looks accurate, select Continue. You may also put in a Voucher code to mitigate the price of the session, if applicable.
***NOTE: If you are paying by credit card, put in card information then select Schedule to Finish Process.
10. You will now see a Confirmed message once everything is complete.