Obtain SmarterProctoring LTI Keys
SmarterProctoring LTI keys can be obtained via the SmarterProctoring administrative area, to login to your account and locate your keys please follow these steps:
- Navigate to your SmarterProctoring administrative area in your browser. Your SmarterProctoring administrator was provided your account special administrative area URL. If you do not have this information please contact them.
- Enter your username and password and click Login.
- Once logged in, click your name in the upper right, then click Integration Settings.
- Find the integration that you need to update, typically there will only be one integration. Then in the Actions menu, select Integration settings. This will drawer open the settings form, you will use the information on this form in step 13 below.
Configure the External Service
External services can be added to individual courses or to all courses in an institution. The scope of your SmarterProctoring implementation will dictate how you create these links. The process for adding the links to course is virtually the same regardless of method. It's much easier if you setup the external service in the site administration first.
- Click the Site administration menu option.
- Click on the Plugins tab.
- Scroll to the Webservices section and click External services.
- Under the Custom services section, click the Add link.
- Complete this form using the following information:
- Name: SmarterProctoring
- Enabled: checked
- Click Add service
- The "Add functions to the service" page will then appear, click Add functions.
- The following functions will need to be added, once they have been selected click the Add functions button.
- core_course_get_contents
- core_course_get_courses
- core_user_get_users
- core_enrol_get_enrolled_users
- core_user_get_course_user_profiles
- core_webservice_get_site_info
- From the breadcrumb menu, click the Web services link.
- Click the Enable protocols link.
- Ensure that the REST protocol is marked to enabled. If the eye is closed, then click it to open the eye. Next, click Save changes. If the eye is already open, you may skip this step.
- From the breadcrumb menu, click the Web services link.
- Click the Create a specific user link to setup a service user that will be used for the SmarterProctoring integration.
- Complete the user creation form. We suggest entering the following, however the user can be setup however makes the most sense for you organization.
- Username: SmarterProctoring
- New Password: manually enter a suitable password
- First name, Surname, and Email address: enter whatever is suitable here, maybe the SmarterProctoring product owner in your organization.
- Click Create user.
- Navigate back to the Web services area by clicking Site Administration > Plugins > Web services.
- Click the Create a token for a user link.
- Complete the token creation form based on the following:
- User: Select the service user that was created in step 13.
- Service: Select the service that was created in step 5.
- Click Save changes.
- Return back to the SmarterProctoring administration tab or browser window from the section above.
- Copy the Token for the new user and paste it in the Token field within the SmarterProctoring integration settings.
- Click Save.
Configure the External Tool
- Click the Site administration menu option.
- Click on the Plugins tab.
- Scroll down to the Activity modules section and click Manage tools.
- Click the Configure a tool manually link.
- Complete the External tool configuration form as follows:
- Tool name: SmarterProctoring
- Tool URL: Launch URL provided on the SmarterProctoring integration settings page.
- Tool Description: Any description can be added here to help describe SmarterProctoring to your students.
- Consumer key: Consumer key provided on the SmarterProctoring integration settings page.
- Shared secret: Secret provided on the SmarterProctoring integration settings page.
- Tool configuration usage: Select the option here that fits your organization the best.
- Default launch container: Select the option here that fits your organization the best. We suggest "Embed, without blocks"
- Content-Item Message: unchecked
- Icon URL: (click show more if needed):
- Secure icon URL:
- Share launcher's name with tool: Always
- Share launchers email with tool: Always
- Accept grades from the tool: Never
- Force SSL: checked
- Click Save changes.
- At this point the tool should be showing as a registered and active tool
Adding SmarterProctoring to a Course
Once the External Tool has been created, then it can be added to a course's content. This section will walk-through placing a SmarterProctoring link in a course.
- Navigate to the course dashboard.
- Click an Add an activity or resource link.
- Select External Tool, and then click the Add button.
- You will need to complete the form using the following settings:
- Activity Name: SmarterProctoring
- Preconfigured tool: SmarterProctoring
- You may also change the Activity Description and check any of the Display checkboxes.
- Click the Save and display button.
- SmarterProctoring will launch.