Exam Overview
- Will show the course and corresponding exam. Along with the scheduling window that has been set (if applicable) and the exam open and close dates. This report also shows a breakdown of any incidents, students who have completed the exam, still need a proctor or have already scheduled their exam session.
Exam Detail
- This report will show the more specific details of the exams that are set up. It will show not only the course and corresponding exam, but also the status (locked or unlocked), duration, password, total attempts allowed, permitted items, and specific student/proctor notes and when the exam is to open or close.
Course List
- Shows the course, instructor and how many exams they have corresponding to that course and students within that course.
- This will show all appointments scheduled in the system. Once a session has been completed, it will be removed from the report. It will show the student name, exam and date exam is to be taken.
Automated Proctoring
- Relates to the automated and review proctoring modality. Shows the status of the session and the review session as well. Once the session has been completed, the exam WILL NOTbe removed from the report.
Unscheduled Learners
- a report of students that have not yet scheduled a session time with a proctor. This can be thought of as a “Needs to Schedule” report. It will include their email address in order to communicate with that student to schedule a session for their exam.
Exams by Week
- This shows a breakdown of how many exams are being held week by week. The exam open date (start date) is going to dictate which week the week will be located in. The information will show the Exam name and also the type and open/close dates.
Proctor Approvals
- This report will show you all of the current proctors that the institution has approved for the students to use for their sessions. The approvals can be institution wide or as granular as for a specific student, taking a specific exam. At any time the list of approved proctors can be wiped clean (by deleting the currently approved proctors) and a new list can be made.