After an account is created, the institution must configure it to their specifications. This includes setting the proper default timezone, adding any global assessment message, and configuring the proctoring types to use. This guide will walk through the items required to get it configured and ready for use.
- Login to the account-specific administration area. The URL for this is in the format of: - Once logged in, click the menu on the far right that either has your first name or "Admin" displayed.
- Click Institution Settings.
- From the Institution Settings page, configure the following:
- Default timezone and currency for your account
- Add any notes that should appear for ALL exams
- Set the exam approval requirement
- Set the proctor approval requirement
- Indicate what proctor types the account will allow as valid proctor types.
- Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
- From the menu at the top, click the Proctor Groups option.
- To customize the proctoring options viewable to the students, click Proctor groups. These groups are viewable to the student when they click on the Choose Proctor button from their course dashboard.
- To customize the proctoring options viewable to the students, click Proctor groups. These groups are viewable to the student when they click on the Choose Proctor button from their course dashboard.
- To create a group click Add a Group.
- Complete the form by filling out all the fields based on the requirements.
- Proctor types must be assigned to each group. Click the Edit proctor types link within the group to customize. After clicking, all the proctor types that are configured for the account will show. Select the proctor types ou wish the student to see. Keep in mind some proctor types are mutually exclusive, for example "Instructor As Proctor" cannot be used along with testing center.
- Once all the groups are configured, click Save at the bottom of the screen
At this point, the account is set up and ready for use.