There are two parts to the SmarterProctoring installation process
- Developer Keys: Configuring the developer keys will allow SmarterProctoring the ability to pull the data required for exam import and course roster sync. If those features are not desired this part can be skipped as the omission does not actually inhibit the use of the product.
- LTI Configuration: Unlike the first part, the LTI configuration is required for the tool to operate correctly. SmarterProctoring is added as an external tool just like any other external tool. As an administrator, you will choose at what "level" the tool will be installed. The tool can be installed at the system level (all courses have access to use the tool) or on a course-by-course basis (only certain courses have access to use the tool). The LTI Configuration section below has steps for each of these types of installation to help with the installation process.
Developer Keys
In order for SmarterProctoring to communicate properly with the Canvas installation some keys must be configured. These keys will allow SmarterProctoring the ability to pull exam and course roster information which is used to enrich the experience while using SmarterProctoring. While this configuring is NOT REQUIRED, many customers opt to complete these steps to use the product to the fullest extent. If this type of integration is not desired please skip to the next section to configure the LTI tool.
Please note that you must be an administrator of your LMS with access to the LMS account management area - this is NOT the same as your user account management area.
- Click on the Admin menu option from your main LMS navigation menu.
- Select the account you wish to manage. Our LMS demo account is called "SmarterServices" as shown below.
- Click the Developer Keys menu option.
- Click the + Developer Key button from the upper right of the screen.
- Complete the Developer Key form. The only required items are listed below, the other fields can be completed as desired. The redirect URI must be as shown in the image below.
- We recommend enabling scopes for your developer key. When enabling scopes, please ensure the following scopes are provided to this developer key.
Method Endpoint GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/enrollments GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/quizzes GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/users GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/quizzes/:id GET /api/v1/courses/:id
GET /api/quiz/v1/courses/:course_
id/quizzes/:assignment_id GET /api/quiz/v1/courses/:course_
id/quizzes - Click Save Key button.
- When the list of keys loads, the ID and Key values will need to be copied. Please note the key is much longer than what is visible so when copying, ensure the entire key is being copied.
- The ID and key will be used in the next few steps, either copy the ID and Key into another file or open a new tab to proceed with the next step.
- Navigate to your SmarterProctoring administrative area in your browser. Your SmarterProctoring administrator was provided a specific account special administrative area URL. If you do not have this information, please contact them.
- Enter your username and password and click Login.
- Once logged in, click your name in the upper right (shown here at Admin User), then click Integration Settings.
- Find the integration that you need to update, typically there will be only one integration. Next in the Actions menu, select Integration settings.
- The integration settings form will load as seen in the image below.
Authentication Flow: Select OAuth2.
Client ID: This will be the ID from step 8 above.
Client Secret: This will be the secret from step 8 above.
Auth URI: Input the base URL of your LMS. This must be the protocol and domain for your institution's Canvas installation.
Grant Type: The value for this should be authorization_code
Purpose: The default is SmarterProctoring. If you reference the SmarterProctoring system as something else for your student you will want to use that name here.
Post Auth Redirect URI: The value of this should be
Logout URI: This is optional, but would be the location you wish the student to be directed to upon logout. - Click the Save button at the bottom.
At this point the SmarterProctoring account has been configured to allow API access in order to properly pull roster and exam information.
If the LTI tool still needs to be setup please continue to the next section.
LTI Configuration
- Account Level: When installing at the account level, SmarterProctoring will appear in the navigation bar for all courses by default.
- Course Level: Installing at the course level provides a finer level of control over which courses will use SmarterProctoring. Since the tool is being installed within a specific course it is not possible to impact other courses or for it to appear for courses that do not and/or should not have access to the tool.
Account Level
- After logging into the LMS, click the Admin link on the left navigation.
- When the menu opens, choose the account in which you would like to install SmarterProctoring and click it.
- At the bottom of the sub-menu on the left, click the Settings.
- Click the Apps link.
- Click View App Configurations, showing all the currently installed tools and allow you to install a new one manually.
- Click + App to open the form and add the tool.
- Under the Configuration Type drop down box, select Paste XML.
- Complete the form by entering the name of the link as you want it to appear within the Navigation. The key and secret that were provided by SmarterProctoring will be added to the proper fields. Once that is done, copy the XML provided below and paste it into the XML Configuration box and click Submit.We provide a few different options for the XML below.
Option 1: Enabled in the course navigation for all courses by default.Copy and paste the XML below if the tool should automatically be enabled in the course navigation for all courses by default.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <cartridge_basiclti_link xmlns="" xmlns:blti = "" xmlns:lticm ="" xmlns:lticp ="" xmlns:xsi = "" xsi:schemaLocation = ""> <blti:title>Proctoring</blti:title> <blti:description></blti:description> <blti:icon></blti:icon> <blti:launch_url></blti:launch_url> <blti:extensions platform=""> <lticm:property name="tool_id">com.smarterproctoring</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="privacy_level">public</lticm:property> <lticm:options name="course_navigation"> <lticm:property name="url"></lticm:property> <lticm:property name="text">Proctoring</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="visibility">public</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="default">enabled</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="enabled">true</lticm:property> </lticm:options> </blti:extensions> <cartridge_bundle identifierref="BLTI001_Bundle"/> <cartridge_icon identifierref="BLTI001_Icon"/> </cartridge_basiclti_link>
Option 2: Disabled in the course navigation for all courses by default.
Copy and paste the XML below if the tool should automatically be disabled in the course navigation for all courses by default. If the instructor wishes to enable the tool in the course they enable the navigation item manually.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <cartridge_basiclti_link xmlns="" xmlns:blti = "" xmlns:lticm ="" xmlns:lticp ="" xmlns:xsi = "" xsi:schemaLocation = ""> <blti:title>Proctoring</blti:title> <blti:description></blti:description> <blti:icon></blti:icon> <blti:launch_url></blti:launch_url> <blti:extensions platform=""> <lticm:property name="tool_id">com.smarterproctoring</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="privacy_level">public</lticm:property> <lticm:options name="course_navigation"> <lticm:property name="url"></lticm:property> <lticm:property name="text">Proctoring</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="visibility">public</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="default">disabled</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="enabled">true</lticm:property> </lticm:options> </blti:extensions> <cartridge_bundle identifierref="BLTI001_Bundle"/> <cartridge_icon identifierref="BLTI001_Icon"/> </cartridge_basiclti_link>
If you wish to change the title/label of the tool as it appears in your navigation, simply modify the text property of the lticm:property element located under course_navigation in the code above. The image below shows where this property is located. - At this point, SmarterProctoring has been registered as an LTI tool and will be shown in the list of tools.
Course Level
- Navigate to the course in which you want SmarterProctoring to be installed.
- Click on the Settings link from the lefthand course navigation.
- Click the Apps tab.
- Click View App Configurations button.
- To open the form and add the SmarterProctoring application, click the + App button.
- Under the Configuration Type drop down box, select Paste XML.
Complete the form by entering the name of the link as you want it to appear within the Navigation. The key and secret that were provided by SmarterProctoring will be added to the proper fields. Once that is done, copy the XML provided below and paste it into the XML Configuration box and click Submit.
Menu Item in Course Navigation
Use the XML below if you wish to have the SmarterProctoring link in the course navigation by default. This is the process most installs will use.HTML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <cartridge_basiclti_link xmlns="" xmlns:blti = "" xmlns:lticm ="" xmlns:lticp ="" xmlns:xsi = "" xsi:schemaLocation = ""> <blti:title>Proctoring</blti:title> <blti:description></blti:description> <blti:icon></blti:icon> <blti:launch_url></blti:launch_url> <blti:extensions platform=""> <lticm:property name="tool_id">com.smarterproctoring</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="privacy_level">public</lticm:property> <lticm:options name="course_navigation"> <lticm:property name="url"></lticm:property> <lticm:property name="text">Proctoring</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="visibility">public</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="default">enabled</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="enabled">true</lticm:property> </lticm:options> </blti:extensions> <cartridge_bundle identifierref="BLTI001_Bundle"/> <cartridge_icon identifierref="BLTI001_Icon"/> </cartridge_basiclti_link>
If you wish to change the title/label of the tool as it appears in your navigation, simply modify the text property of the lticm:property element located under course_navigation in the code above. The image below shows where this property is located.
Menu Item NOT in Course Navigation
Use the XML below if you do not want to have the SmarterProctoring link in the course navigation by default. This is typically used only for very specific use cases.XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <cartridge_basiclti_link xmlns="" xmlns:blti = "" xmlns:lticm ="" xmlns:lticp ="" xmlns:xsi = "" xsi:schemaLocation = ""> <blti:title>Proctoring</blti:title> <blti:description></blti:description> <blti:icon></blti:icon> <blti:launch_url></blti:launch_url> <blti:extensions platform=""> <lticm:property name="tool_id">com.smarterproctoring</lticm:property> <lticm:property name="privacy_level">public</lticm:property> </blti:extensions> <cartridge_bundle identifierref="BLTI001_Bundle"/> <cartridge_icon identifierref="BLTI001_Icon"/> </cartridge_basiclti_link>
If you wish to change the title/label of the tool you will want to properly name the tool on the registration form. No changes need to be made to this XML.
- At this point, SmarterProctoring has been registered as an LTI tool and will be shown in the list of tools.
- After clicking the Home button or Refreshing the page, the Proctoring link should now be showing in the lefthand navigation.