** Please note - the testing center(s) that you are looking to show your student will need to be approved Installation wide. (Please use this guide to learn how to Pre-approve proctors)
1. Log into the Administration Dashboard.
2. Select the name in the top right corner of the screen.
3. From the drop-down menu, select Proctor Groups.
4. Select Add a Group to create a new group.
5. Fill in the fields as needed. You will want to also select the Edit Proctor Location to choose your testing center.
6. Type in the name of the testing center(s) and select it from the list. (Please note, the icon to the right of the testing center(s) name is for RegisterBlast). Select the "x" in the search field to leave the testing center search.
7. Once completed, either more groups can be created by clicking Add a Group or if complete, click Save proctor groups to finish creating the new Proctor group.