During an Automated Proctoring exam, our AI will add the following annotations to videos if detected.
- No Face Detected - When no face can be detected in the student's webcam view. Can also be triggered if the student's face is partially obscured or if the face is partially off-screen.
- Multiple Faces Detected - When more than one face was detected in the webcam view.
- Speech Detected - When the system detects speech captured by the student's microphone.
- Window Blurred - During the exam the student's exam window is obscured. Possible triggers for this are: the student opens a new tab in Chrome, opens another program.
- *NOTE* If the exam configuration has new tabs allowed this annotation will be displayed when the student opens a new tab. If the exam configuration has tabs blocked see below.
- Tab Blocked - When an exam has been configured to block tabs from opening and the student attempts to open a tab.
Steps to view annotations
- To view the annotations for each student's session first log into your SmarterProctoring dashboard for the course you want to check. Click on "view exam" for the exam that you want to check.
- Scroll down to the list of students and find the student who's session you wish you view. Click on the drop down menu and select "view session details".
- From the session details page for your selected student, click on the annotations tab at the top right side of the page. Any detected events will be listed with their according time stamp. By clicking on a specific annotation the video will automatically skip forward to the corresponding time code.