Practice exams are highly encouraged, provided free of charge and best of all they are very easy to set up. You will set up a practice exam in the exact same way you set up an actual exam, except you will simply add [Practice] to the exam name in SmarterProctoring, e.g. [Practice] Proctored Quiz.
Here are a few tips regarding setting up your practice exam:
- Require all students in the course to complete the practice exam. This will ensure all students have an understanding of the proctoring process prior to the actual exam.
- Assign the practice exam to be completed about a week before the first proctored exam. If the practice exam is set up too far in advance students may forget the process. One week prior provides enough time to remediate any technical issues that may be encountered.
- The exam window for your practice exam should close before the first proctored exam. This helps avoid confusion with students who may accidentally start onboarding for the practice exam when they intend to take the first proctored exam.
- Ensure the practice exam is set up using the same exam delivery system as the actual exam. For example, if the actual exam is going to be using Pearson MyMathLab, set up the practice exam using Pearson MyMathLab, not the built-in LMS exam system. Likewise, if the exam is going to be taken via the LMS, make sure the practice exam uses the LMS assessment system. This will ensure the student goes through the actual experience.
- The exam only needs to be a single question. While you could make the practice exam longer, the reality is we just have to make sure the student understands how to get to the exam, submit it, and complete their proctoring session.
Please make sure to remind your students to reach out to our 24x7 support department if they encounter any issues. They can always get in touch using the support icon in the lower right corner of their screen.