You would like to utilize Automated Proctoring to proctor a Mobius Exam.
- If you have already created the exam within Mobius, navigate to it from your instructor dashboard and launch the Assignment Editor. If you are creating your exam from scratch you will already be in the Assignment Editor.
- Navigate to the 3rd tab in the navigation menu, labeled Properties.
- Under the properties tab make sure the radio button beside Proctored Exam is selected and that Password Authorization is the ONLY option check marked. Create a password in the field to the right of the checkmark and remember this password as you will use the same password within Automated Proctoring.
- Save these settings and proceed to your SmarterProctoring dashboard. For general instructions on how to create an online exam with Automated Proctoring, you can follow the guide located here.
For specific settings to be used in conjunction with Mobius please follow the following instructions.
- When pasting the URL for your Mobius exam you will want to use the Mobius login page that's specific to your organization. If you are unsure of what URL to use, you can ask the Mobius administrator for your school.
- Use the same password in your Automated Proctoring exam setup that you used within for your Mobius exam.
- On the Automated Proctoring settings section of the proctor settings step, make sure that "Disable New Tabs" is NOT selected
- When pasting the URL for your Mobius exam you will want to use the Mobius login page that's specific to your organization. If you are unsure of what URL to use, you can ask the Mobius administrator for your school.