An exam is set to be proctored by Automated Proctoring and you are looking for instructions on how to get that process started.
Video Walkthrough
Steps to follow
- Navigate to the SmarterProctoring dashboard using the link from your institution's LMS (Learning Management System). The link to SmarterProctoring might be listed as "SmarterProctoring" or simply "Proctoring". If you're not sure where this link is located, please reach out to your instructor for assistance. Once you click the link, you will see the SmarterProctoring dashboard as seen below.
- First, locate the exam session that you wish to start. If you have multiple choices for proctoring your exam, you will have to click on Choose a proctor and then choose Automated Proctoring on the following screen. If Automated Proctoring is your only proctoring choice, you will see a green button that says Start exam.
Note: Make sure that you are using GOOGLE CHROME before you start your exam. - If you previously chose Automated Proctoring as your proctor but did not start on your exam at that time, you will need to click START SESSION to begin the process.
- You will first see the welcome page. Be sure to read over everything on the left side of the screen. Once you're ready, click the Next button to continue.
- You will start at the extension check where you will be prompted to download the SmarterProctoring Chrome extension if you don't already have it. Click the Get the SmarterProctoring Extension button to be taken to the Chrome web store.
- A new tab will be created and will open up to the Chrome web store. On this screen, click the button that says Add to Chrome. A small pop-up will appear and ask you to Add extension. You will need to click on this pop-up to proceed with onboarding.
Once the extension has been added, you can close the tab containing the Chrome web store and return back to SmarterProctoring onboarding.
If you do already have the extension, you will see the extension check was passed and you will be taken to the next page.
Chrome may also request access to your Camera & Microphone. Make sure you click on Allow to provide access to your microphone and camera. - Once you have started the onboarding process, a second tab will open with your exam Details. On this page, you can access any attachments included for your exam, the virtual calculator if applicable, and you can view information about your exam including the exam name, duration, and permitted items. Be sure to leave this tab open throughout your exam.
- After the extension check, you will be taken to the Agreements Check. Read over the Registration Consent and agree to both terms at the bottom of the page by toggling the buttons so they turn green. You can then click Submit.
Once you click Submit, you will get a green check on the page showing you are all set to move on. - Next, you will be taken to the Chrome Permissions Check. This step checks your permission settings to make sure you have allowed what is needed to successfully test. If you don't have all of the necessary permissions allowed, click the Enable Permissions button at the bottom of the page.
Once all permissions are allowed, you will see the following screen. Once you are done with your exam and the proctoring session has ended, your permissions will be reset to their previous state from before you took your exam. You can now move on the to next step. - The next screen is the internet speed check. This is required to ensure that your internet speeds meet our minimum requirements and that you will be able to test successfully.
If you fail the speed test, try moving closer to your internet router, make sure no other devices are using the internet, and connect to an ethernet cord if possible to increase your speeds. If you continue to fail the speed test, you may need to find a better connection to take your exam. - The next screen is the Audio Check. In the drop down, select the microphone you would like to use for your exam.
Next, you will click the Play Sound button and you should get the popup shown below. You should also hear a chime sound. If you heard the chime, click Yes.
If you did not hear the chime, you should click No. You will then see the following popup with tips on how to resolve this issue and an option to Replay Sound. If you continue to not hear the chime, please reach out to the SmarterServices support team via chat for further assistance.
Lastly, the microphone should light up green when it detects your voice. If it does not light up, your microphone isn't connected properly. Please check that you are allowing Chrome access to your microphone through your computer settings. Please reach out to the SmarterServices support team via chat for assistance if needed.
Once all these steps are complete, you will be able to continue to the next screen. - The next screen is the Camera Check. Similar to the Audio Check, you will have to choose your camera from the drop down.
Once you select your camera from the drop down, you should see a preview of your camera feed. Please make sure the camera feed is clear, you are in a well-lit room and that you're in full view of the camera. You can then continue to the next screen. - On the next step of onboarding, you will be asked to share your screen. Click the Share Screen button on the right side of the page.
When the "Share your entire screen" popup is displayed, make sure you click inside the preview window to select which screen to share. Once you click inside that preview window, the Share button will become active.
You should then receive a message that your screen share was successful and you can move on to the next step. - Next you will be taken to the Preparing Session page. Sit tight until the session is done preparing, this can take a few minutes.
Once your session is prepared, recording will start and you will be able to click the Next button to move on. - Next is the Identity Verification. You will now need to take a picture of yourself. Center yourself in the green oval and when you're ready, click Capture Photo. If you are happy with your photo, click the Next button. If you would like to retake your photo, you can select the Retake Photo button.
You will now be asked to take a picture of your government-issued ID (follow the picture-taking steps above). - The last step is the Room Scan. Click on the Start Scan button and your camera preview will show so you can complete the scan.
Click Stop Scan once your room scan is complete.
Once you click the Stop Scan button, you will receive a message that the scan was successful. You can then move on to the next screen. If you would like to redo your room scan, you can select the Retake button. - Once you have completed the room scan, you can click next. You have then completed the onboarding process and are taken to your LMS (Learning Management System). You may be directly taken to your exam or you might have to navigate to the exam if you are taken to your LMS dashboard. Once you are presented with the exam, click on the appropriate button to Start the exam. It may look similar to the screenshot below but can differ depending on the exam platform.
- The password should be automatically entered for your exam and you will only need to click Submit to start your exam. If for some reason the password is not entered, you can click on the Inject Password button which is the second option on the menu bar that should be showing on your screen.
If the password still does not inject for you, please reach out to the SmarterServices support team via chat and they can enter the password for you. - Once the password is entered and you have entered your exam, you are all set! After you are finished with your exam and you have confirmed it has been submitted, you can click the Stop Session button at the bottom of the menu bar.